We Represent Consumers In Cases Against Robocallers, Telemarketers, Debt Collectors, Financial Institutions And Credit Bureaus.

When debt collectors called you, they never expected you to call us!


Know Your Rights

You don’t have to put up with harassing debt collection calls. The abusive practices that many debt collection agencies use against consumers are illegal. You have rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to put a stop to this harassment.

How does the Statute of Limitations Work?

The statute of limitations begins from the date a debt goes into default (or a different date if specified by contract). A typical credit card agreement, for example, will specify that the debt goes into default 1800 days after payment is due but not received. Other debts, such as medical charges, usually default immediately when payment is not made. If a consumer makes even a small payment after the limitation period, the time is reset.

For more information about your rights and the illegal practices of abusive debt collectors,

What Are My Rights?

If you are being harassed by a debt collection agency, you have the right to:

  • Fair and honest communication
  • Ask the agency in writing not to contact you again
  • Tell the agency you are not allowed to receive phone calls at work
  • Contact a lawyer for free legal help
  • File a private lawsuit in a state or federal court
  • Collect damages, including:
    • Actual costs
    • Statutory costs
    • Attorney’s fees
    • Court costs

If you believe you have been harassed by a debt collection agency, contact us for a free case review.