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ABC News Reports Fake Debt Collectors Threaten Victims with Jail Time

Earlier today, ABC News reported that phony debt collectors are calling thousands of innocent people across the country, illegally threatening them with jail time and other legal action.

If you follow the Credit Law Blog, you’re probably already aware that this is a direct violation of the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act). The FDCPA states that debt collectors are forbidden to “Lie or falsely imply, in any communication, that the collector is a government agency, or serving you with papers, or that you are subject to arrest, or that you have committed a crime.”

According to ABC News, these calls are part of a growing scam seen throughout the United States. Deceptive debt collectors are calling people, attempting to convince them they’ve commuted a crime, harassing them until they pay debts that – in some cases – may not even exist. While the federal government is cracking down on phony debt collection agencies, thousands of people are being robbed of millions of dollars every year.

Legitimate, law-abiding debt collection agencies do exist. But these agencies should also have a strong understanding of their obligations under the FDCPA. If anyone is calling you, threatening legal action over a debt you may or may not owe, it’s time to contact a qualified consumer law attorney and put a stop to debt collection calls.

We’ve included the original broadcast as seen on ABC News below. If you find yourself in a similar situation, just remember: You have specific rights under the FDCPA, and it is against the law for any debt collector to violate these rights. If they do, you may be entitled to compensation under federal law.

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